Nurturing Multilingual Learning in Childhood

Discovering the secret to raising bilingual children is like unraveling a tapestry of linguistic wonder, where each family weaves its unique pattern of language proficiency. Isabelle Gerretsen delves into a world where strategies vary as much as the languages spoken, from the classic “One Parent, One Language” approach to the dynamic blend of cultures and tongues within multicultural households.

Through the lens of families like Krupa Padhy’s, we witness the magic of language blossoming from the roots of cultural heritage. With each word spoken, children go on a journey where they are open to cognitive exploration, their brains sculpted by the symphony of sounds around them. But it’s not just about mastering vocabulary; it’s about fostering a love for languages that transcends borders and opens doors to diverse worlds.

From the tender moments of infancy, where babies absorb their mother’s voice, to the bustling chatter of bilingual households, the quest for linguistic proficiency unfolds. And while the path may vary—from structured language schedules to spontaneous language immersion—what remains constant is the joy of linguistic discovery, the bond of cultural connection, and the promise of a brighter, more enriched future for bilingual children everywhere.

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Jasleen Kaur, UConn KIDS Research Assistant