Tips for communicating with your teenager

The teen years can be difficult for both the parents and teenagers themselves. Teenagers naturally start to develop some sense of independence, and this can make parenting especially difficult. While teenagers start to explore new activities and find themselves they naturally start to pull away, however it’s still important to maintain a healthy parent-child relationship. With this in mind, there are a few ways to help!

One of the most important things is to validate their feelings. Rather than simply trying to give solutions or tell them whatever they’re upset about isn’t a big deal, just listen to them and give them an understanding ear. This makes it a lot easier for the teen themselves to confide in their parental figure. 

Parents typically set the rules and boundaries for their teens, and sometimes the teens don’t listen, regardless it’s important to explain your rules and why they’re set in place. This can give a sense of respect and understanding between the parent and child. 

It’s not uncommon for teens to have emotional outbursts, or anyone of any age, but it’s important for the parent to control their emotions in response. It might be easier for an adult to control their emotions and emotional responses, so it’s crucial to calm down before responding. If you find that you might need some more time to cool down, take a break and talk about the issue at hand at a better time. 

Hopefully some of these tips helped and if you’re interested in reading click here!

Kaitlyn Vitucci, Research Assistant UConn KIDS