How Cooking Can Help Preschoolers

Not only is cooking with preschoolers a fun way to bond, but it can also help further their development. Cooking can help young children learn basic math skills by counting items, following step-by-step directions, or using measuring cups. Reading the recipe with your child can also promote literacy by introducing new words to their vocabulary. On top of this, it encourages children to have an adventurous palate. Kids may be more likely to try food if they play a role in preparing it. 

A boost in self-confidence is a big part of cooking with children. It allows them to showcase new skills they’ve learned, giving them a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s stirring pancake batter, assembling a pizza, tearing lettuce, or simply adding ingredients, praise children and let them know that their help is important.

Read the full article here.

Emma Dineen

Research Assistant, UConn KIDS