The Importance of Babies Learning to Dance

Aside from being incredibly cute, babies learning to dance is an essential developmental milestone. Dancing requires coordination, strength, and a basic understanding of one’s environment. In fact, caregivers who engage in activities involving dancing with their infants aid their children’s social development. 

There are several reasons why babies might dance without understanding its long-term benefits. A key reason for this is that music and dance are universal. Oftentimes, babies in many cultures are exposed to music before they’re even born. Subsequently, most babies are familiar with music from the day they are born and are likely to respond to it. 

Babies’ dancing becomes more intricate and on-beat as they age. They learn to listen to the beat and imitate others around them. It’s ultimately important to expose babies to music as early as possible and continue dancing with them throughout childhood to further their development.

Read the full article here

Emma Dineen

Research Assistant, UConn KIDS