Babies Remember Faces Despite Face Masks

Babies learn so much from looking at faces. At the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many parents around the world began to worry that face masking could hinder child development and facial recognition. A study done by researchers at the University of California, Davis, alleviated this concern and found that babies can still form memories of faces even when they’re masked.

In this study, researchers used eye tracking to study the impact face masks have on facial recognition in infants. With the background knowledge that babies look at unfamiliar images longer than familiar ones, the study found that babies could recognize a masked face when it was unmasked. However, babies had a hard time recognizing masked faces that they initially saw unmasked. This was something many other individuals also experienced. 

Facial recognition is a crucial part of cognitive development. It helps babies learn how to communicate, understand emotions, establish relationships, and navigate the world around them. Babies are continuing to learn and thrive today, even with face masking. 

Read the full article here.