
Humans all sigh. Most of the time, it’s a reflexive action that few consciously consider. Sighing is merely an expression of our out-breath and an exhalation. 

Our body undergoes some amazing changes as a result of managing this exhalation. The ability to sigh is linked to how the body adapts after experiencing stress because when we concentrate on the exhale, we can inhale more deeply. Giving emotions the ability to change allows us to literally breathe more deeply.

Sighing is important, it’s a way to release stress from your body. The change might not be immediate, however in the long term, researchers believe that practicing this skill is beneficial. Through sighing we can learn to eliminate unwanted material from our bodies and minds by using our exhalation and opening ourselves up to new feelings like happiness, relief, vitality, enlivenment, and contentment.


Read the full article here

Hsin-Yu Huang

UConn KIDS Research Assistant