Today’s Friday Feature is Lauren Ransom!

Today’s Friday Feature is Lauren Ransom!

What is your name?
– Lauren Ransom

Which lab are you representing?
– UConn KIDS (Kids in Developmental Science)

What is your position in the Lab?
– Undergraduate Research Assistant

What are your future goals and how does research fit into those?
– I’m studying to be a counseling therapist, and applied to do research to broaden my horizons. I want to go to graduate school, so research felt like a step in the right direction! I’m from Massachusetts, so I’m a little far from home at UConn, but it’s helped me meet some wonderful people and have lots of great new experiences.

Can you tell us a little more about yourself?
– In addition to being a student, I’m also an artist, writer, animal lover, frequent candy eater, and I spend lots of time with my friends and family! Here’s a picture of my best friend and I at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania!

What is your favorite movie?
– I love the movie Tangled! I think Rapunzel is so fun and brave, and she has super long blonde hair just like me!

Link to UConn KIDS website: