Below are some examples of studies currently underway on the Storrs Campus.
Parents may express interest in a particular study by referencing the study's protocol number when joining the UConn KIDS database. Or, contact the Child Research Recruitment Coordinator.
Check back often as new studies get added throughout the year!
- An exterior view of the Waterbury Campus
- Kimberly Cuevas and a graduate student perform a memory experiment with a child at the Cognition, Action and Psychophysiology (C.A.P) lab at the Waterbury campus.
- A view of the fountain at the Waterbury Campus
- Flowering trees outdoors at the Waterbury campus (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)
- Students walk along a hallway at the Waterbury campus (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)
- Headed to Waterbury for a study? The UConn Waterbury Campus is within walking distance of the Mattatuck Museum!
Infant Breastfeeding Behavior Study
Department: Nursing
Protocol: #H16-199
This study, which measures infant’s sucking efforts, is for mothers with an infant younger than 3 months who are breast and bottle feeding.
Participation involves of measurement of the infant’s sucking effort during 4 bottle feeding and 2 breastfeeding sessions over a 3-week period. The infant’s bottle feeding sucking effort will be measured using an Enfamil nipple, and breastfeeding effort will be measured by a feeding tube taped to the breast. Infants must be less than 3 months of age and be breastfeeding at least once a day. Each visit will occur in the morning on a day scheduled at your convenience.
In addition, we will ask if we may digitally record the infant’s breastfeeding sucking effort during the second home visit. You may choose to participate in only one part, or both parts of this study.
This study involves 6 one-hour home visits. Compensation for participation will be in the form of Target gift cards in the amount of $10 per home visit for measuring infants’ sucking effort (up to $60), and $15 for digitally recording the second breastfeeding session. A total of $75 Target gift cards will be given for participating in both parts of the study.
Husky See, Husky Do: Babies
Department: Psychology, CAP lab
Protocol: #H12-289
Have you ever wondered: “What is my baby learning when watching others?” We are conducting a study using different imitation games to understand how babies’ brains respond when observing and copying others’ actions. Each visit is between 35-45 minutes long at the Waterbury campus and your baby will typically receive a bib or t-shirt with our lab logo for participating.
Ages: 6 weeks to 24 months
Husky See, Husky Do: Children
Department: Psychology, CAP lab
Protocol: #H14-030
Looking for a fun and exciting experience for you and your children? We have recently extended our Husky See, Husky Do Study to include young children. This study involves different imitation and picture games that will help us understand how children’s brains respond when watching and copying others’ actions. Each visit is between 50-60 minutes long at the Waterbury campus and your child will typically receive a t-shirt with our lab logo for participating.
Ages: 2 to 6 years
Project Bubbles!
Department: Psychology, CAP lab
Protocol: #H21-1048
Join us for an NIH funded EEG study examining how babies and young children regulate attention, memory and emotions!
Receive $50-$75 for your participation
Ages: 5 to 6 months old