How teachers can help students navigate trauma

According to the CDC, 50% of children have experienced childhood trauma. The speaker, Lisa Godwin, tells her personal story, and reveals that her teacher was the one who helped her, along with the school guidance counselor, to find her voice and speak the truth about her trauma. 

She emphasizes the importance of recognizing student’s behaviors and learning to be aware, ask questions, and pay attention to students regardless of how they’re behaving. Godwin is now a kindergarten teacher who loves her students and is actively listening to what they say or choose to omit to make sure that they’re okay. 

Developing relationships with students is one of the best ways to get to know them. It’s not just young children, adolescents of all ages can have something going on, and it’s up to the adults around them to let them know they have someone in their corner. 

To watch the full Ted Talk, click here! 

Ashley Bejar, UConn KIDS Research Assistant