Children’s POV: Out with the old, in with the new!

In the 21st century, researchers have discovered new, more effective methods of bringing up children. Outdated assumptions in use today can thus be quite harmful in their development. 

The “Kids Today Project”, created by Richard Neville and his team, was designed to view complex issues of development through the child’s eyes via a head-mounted camera. This allowed the researchers to see exactly what the child sees to understand their perspective of the big, endless moving world. 

So, what did they discover? Regardless of location, culture, differences, and situations, children shared one common theme: an immense desire to learn. 

The research illustrated that children must learn to take control of their own lives. If they don’t then how can we expect them to develop skills needed in adulthood? 

To watch the full Ted Talk, click here! 

Ashley Bejar, UConn KIDS Research Assistant