Trivia Tuesday – Baby Brains

Good evening and welcome to Trivia Tuesday! This week’s question dives deeper into the brain…

Earliest look at newborns' visual cortex reveals the minds babies are born  with

True or false: during early years of development, children have neurons in their brain which strengthen when stimulated. The synapses that are not stimulated are often weakened and will not develop.

The answer to last week’s question is reflexive smiles and social smiles! Reflexive smiles start to occur as early as 2 weeks and are often in reaction to bodily functions such as gas or even reaching REM sleep. Social smiles start to appear around 6 weeks to 3 months. Babies will often start to smile at familiar faces at around 4 months and will eventually smile in certain situations at around their first birthday!

Tune in next Tuesday to find out the answer to this week’s question!