Children’s Self Esteem Matters

Self esteem is important for everyone, everyone has a thought about themselves and that affects the way they go about life. It is ESPECIALLY important for children. Kids with low self esteem criticize themselves and doubt they can do things well. Kids who feel good about themselves have confidence to try new things and even if they do fail they have the confidence to try again.

Self esteem will not only have children be willing to try more things it will also allow them to form positive relationships with their peers and adults. Parents can be a great influence on children’s self esteem. They can do this by spending more time with their children and reinforcing positive behavior as well as making their child feel proud of themselves. Other people who can build up a child’s self esteem are teachers, coaches, as well as friends.

Overall positive self esteem is crucial for children growing up and the people around them should do their best to try and make it happen.

Read more about this topicĀ Here!

Ben Solomon,

Research Assistant, UConn KIDSIs There a Secret to Happy Parenting?