Undergraduate Research Opportunity:
PSYC 3889/SLHS 3299/COGS 3589: UConn KIDS (Kids in Developmental Science) under Dr. Rhiannon
Smith. Research position available for organized and highly motivated undergraduates. UConn KIDS is a
consortium of researchers united under their shared need for child participants for research. Our
researchers study a broad range of topics that involve both typically and atypically developing children.
Topics include, but are not limited to: Autism Spectrum Disorder, language acquisition, peer relations,
bullying, hearing loss and deafness, and food advertising/school food. UConn KIDS is looking for an
individual who has an interest in child development research. The position is a one-semester
commitment, with the potential to renew each semester, and will be 9 hours/week for 3 credits.
Responsibilities will include:
Locating and reading the most up-to-date research in child development and translating the
research into easy to read blog posts for the general public.
Helping with database updates and inputs.
Staying informed on our researchers’ current projects, and sharing their work with the public via
website and social media.
Website and social media maintenance in the form of keeping information for researchers
current, posting to Facebook, and sending tweets.
Occasional attendance at community events, fairs, and library story hours.
Attendance at lab meetings throughout the semester.
If you are interested please contact Renu Cabot at renugaa.cabot@uconn.edu
*Note: Submissions for RAs are accepted at the end of the semester for the following semester. Please send in inquiries for this by the last week of classes.