Sibling Relationships and Influences in Childhood

Siblings are often our first friends, rivals, and role models, and research shows they play a big role in shaping who we become. This article delves into what can be learned by exploring sibling interactions and how they influence our social, emotional, and behavioral development. Siblings generally spend a lot of time together where they learn to share, deal with conflict, and support one another. With that being said, all sibling relationships differ. The context and roles that they play within families also influence one’s development. For example, older siblings tend to be more influential role models.  

An interesting finding was that individuals who grew up with a sibling with a disability or chronic illness display warmer characteristics. They tend to take on more parenting roles in life and have more of an aptitude for adjusting in life. 

This research highlights the importance of fostering good sibling relationships and recognizing the lasting impact they can have throughout a person’s life. Positive sibling relationships can lead to better social skills, academic success, and emotional health. On the flip side, negative sibling relationships can contribute to conflicts and behavioral issues. 


If you want to read more, click here! 


Rachel Silverman 

UConn KIDS, Research Assistant