The Shared and Structured Parenting Approach



Discover how shared and structured parenting practices can transform family dynamics and enhance mental well-being, as outlined in a recent article. Highlighting findings from a study involving over 1,000 parents, the article reveals that shared parenting, where tasks are divided equitably between partners, is linked to reduced symptoms of parental depression and improved behavioral outcomes for children. Moreover, structured parenting, characterized by predictable routines and consistent limit-setting, is associated with fewer behavior problems in young children. The article emphasizes the importance of changing perspectives on co-parenting, encouraging both partners to equally invest in decision-making and caregiving tasks. It suggests letting go of control or taking full ownership of parenting tasks to foster a more balanced approach. Additionally, establishing regular meetings to discuss parenting responsibilities and family plans is recommended to promote collaboration. Consistency in rules, discipline, and positive parenting strategies is highlighted as crucial for effective shared and structured parenting. Lastly, the article underscores the significance of creating and sticking to routines to provide children with stability and both partners with breaks.

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Jasleen Kaur, UConn KIDS Research Assistant