Why is Typical Child Behavior “Undesirable”

Playing with your baby - Today's Parent

Babies cry. Every parent who is getting ready to have a kids knows that they will be losing sleep and gaining a lot of stress through this new stage in their life, but it is for the better. Babies crying and fussing may be undesirable, but it is necessary and actually good. They need our attention to survive and grow up healthy and that is the way they get it.

Children need attention for their healthy development. Attention from parents, caregivers, and other significant adults in their lives serves as the foundation upon which children build their sense of self-worth and security. This attention not only meets their emotional needs but also provides a framework for learning about relat

ionships, empathy, and communication. When children receive attention, they feel valued and loved, which helps them develop a positive self-image and the ability to form healthy relationships in the future. Basically attention is needed for the emotional, social, and cognitive growth of children.

This article is very interesting and I recommend giving it a read! You can find it Here!

Ben Solomon

Research Assistant, UConn KIDS