Trivia Tuesday – False-Belief Task

Good evening and happy Trivia Tuesday! Today’s question connects a bit with last weeks question…

A false-belief task is when a child is presented with a scenario where they must think about a situation from someone else’s perspective. A scenario like this would often be presented to a child:

Person 1 left their toy on the table and walked into another room. A person 2 then moved the toy and put it somewhere else different than where it was left. Person 1 then comes back into the room, would person 1 know where their toy is now?

This trivia Tuesday question is: would a 3-year-old child believe that the person knows where the toy’s new location is?

a.    Yes!

b.    No!


As promised, the answer to last week’s question is 7-12 years old! Children reach Piaget’s concrete operational stage around 7 to 12 years old where they can begin to understand concepts of conservation and have more of an organized, logical way of thinking. 


Tune in next Tuesday to find out the answer to this week’s question!