Children and Bilingualism


Hello, hola, bonjour! Knowing more than one language comes with many benefits and opportunities for individuals. In this article, researchers discuss the topic of bilingualism and its impact on child development. Common myths about bilingualism are debunked and scientific facts are addressed. 


The article points out how research has shown that exposing children to a second language promotes cognitive development in the same ways early musical training does. The topic of the critical period for language acquisition is also mentioned: A time where children must be exposed to a language in order to develop that language. Researchers agree that earlier exposure is always better considering how significant the first few years of life are for children, and that learning a second language becomes much more difficult as we age. 


Overall, the article provides an insightful view of facts and misconceptions for parents to be aware of as they navigate through raising their little ones. Much research remains to be done about the topic of bilingualism and whether or not it provides children with other advantages throughout their course of development.

Read the full article here! 

Nolyette Verastegui

Research Assistant, UConn KIDS