Expanding Children’s Abilities Through Dance

Dance is something that can benefit children of all age groups regardless of skill levels. It provides structure like a school environment, where children learn from a teacher, while also having the ability to create movement and use their creativity. In an environment like this, children are not just stuck to learning facts rather they can explore and figure out various ways to creatively express and respond to prompts. For example, in a dance class, a dance instructor may ask the student how they would travel across the room without walking. This gives the child the ability to explore their limits and figure out how they would solve this problem without doing the obvious.

This article written in the Transworld Institute of Technology demonstrates how varius skills and aspects of dance can help children develop further skills outside of the regular structured school setting. Children are used to learning in such a static setting that it can be harder for them to expand on different skills. By schools integrating dance into physical education or other aspects of the child’s learning, it allows for the children not only to further creative skills but also further the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, emotional expression, and working with peers.

Children have such a vast imagination; they come up with various games and stories all while exploring the world around us. Unfortunately, it is so common for a child to sit down and learn in a traditional way that we often forget about alternative ways to integrate learning in settings other than a classroom. By integrating dance into a child’s everyday learning routine, it allows for them to expand their horizons and learn in new ways that are not as commonly practiced in a new, fun way that allows for growth, creativity, and other important life skills.


Read the full article here!

Mikayla Clemens

Research Assistant, UConn KIDS