Today’s Friday Feature is Tulsi Patel!

Today’s Friday Feature is Tulsi Patel!

Tulsi Patel is a research assistant at UConn KIDS. She is an undergraduate student majoring in Nursing and minoring in Biological Sciences. This is Tulsi’s first semester working with UConn KIDS and she is grateful for the opportunity and can’t wait for everything she will learn throughout the year.

Tulsi’s main passion is working with children or in the NICU and is currently doing her clinicals at Connecticut Children’s Hospital. In the future, she wants to move back to New Jersey and hopefully find a job working in the city.

On campus, Tulsi is a Resident Assistant at Towers, a mentor for middle-schoolers in UConn KUBE teaching them about both education and culture, and Late Night and Student Activities. She really enjoys meeting and getting to know new people. In her free time, Tulsi loves to be outdoors, to dance, to paint, and to get a crunchwrap suprme at Taco Bell.